Assistance for Ukraine 2022 - Information

Current Campaigns:

  • Assist the Children’s Hospital of Kyiv → go to page
  • Ukraine’s Conflict Zones Assistance
  • Assistance for Refugee Immigration  → go to page

Campaign to Assist Civilians in Ucraine’s Conflict Zones


Russian nuclear warheads are ready. On 24/02 Putin declared explicitly in his speech that he intends to dominate by an Imperial Dictatorship. Where do we stand in the face of a conflict that threats the very existence of humanity as we know it?

Nowadays we have the historical opportunity to represent ourselves and give our support, circumventing political barriers.

In Ukraine a battle is raging not only for life, but for the future of us all. We can not leave them alone in this.

The Russian invasion and subsequent systematic shelling of civilians has devastated Ukrainian infrastructure, killing thousands and preventing millions from access to basic resources as food and water, so they need direct support to survive while they remain in hot zones (attacked or occupied zones).
The refugee crisis is also causing an overwhelming spike in local demand of basic resources (food, medicine, heating devices, first aid items, etc), which is only going to get worse as humanitarian corridors are arranged and more people flees Ukraine (“only” 6% of Ukraine’s population has fled the country by now). So extra resources are still needed to support lives directly in Ukraine.
The future of the free world needs all of us right now to prevent a massive human tragedy.

Who are we


  • Nazar Bodnarchouk, Ukrainian (born and raised), emigrated to USA, currently living in Córdoba Capital, Argentina. Responsible of the personal delivery of the resources directly in Poland.
  • Khrystyna Khudytska, Ukrainian (born and raised), emigrated to USA. Responsible of the organization and coordination of the fundraiser and management of funds. To contact her via other means please see her page here.

Whats needed

We have yet to make a list of materials, but please get in contact with us for detail, since the direct provision of supplies depends on the ever-changing situation. For reference, the purchase and delivery of resources is entirely registered in the stories of the contact's instagram accounts (see the links above).

How to help

Regarding our Top Priorities, the main way to collaborate is via direct funding. Direct donations of resources are of course more than welcome (we have yet to make a list of materials, but please get in contact with us for detail, since it depends on the situation), but by now we are concentrating in collecting funds to organize more efficiently what resources to get and to be able to afford logistics.

By now, you can collaborate via:

Regarding our Second Priorities, we need donations of resources that we can’t buy directly in Ukraine, or which are even difficult to get in neighboring countries, like protective gear for the military, and medicine.

Regarding the Logistics involved, volunteers are needed to get and distribute the resources. Help to provide means of transportation or even assistance with the organization of the logistic itself (like providing contacts and connections between suppliers and deliverers) is also much appreciated.

Again, ultimately any kind of help is more than welcome.
Please do not hesitate to contact us directly if you want to collaborate by these or any other means.

How we will distribute resources

Our Top Prioritiy objective is to provide immediate life support in places where the situation is so critical that resources need to be sent and distributed as fast as possible. So, in this cases we try to use the collected funds to buy resources locally, or from neighboring countries like Poland or Moldova (like formula and diapers for children, food and water).
For example, we are currently arranging a cargo of help for kids and adults in the city of Mykolaiv which is in a particularly dire situation since it has been suffering relentless Russian attacks and shelling from day 1. Currently, they are critically running out of water, food, and medicines, so to provide such resources is Top Priority. Hygiene conditions are also already dangerous, specially for children, so we are also sending basic personal hygiene supplies.

Our Second Priority is to provide the military with protective gear and to support medical assistance by providing medicine and medical items and devices which may be scarce locally and in the neighboring countries. All of these more specific resources are delivered by us directly in Poland.

Funds will also be used for Logistics, that is, for local transportation of resources and refugees within Europe, mainly Poland as a first step. Volunteers are permanently needed to help with the process of getting the resources and with their distribution.

What’s next?

The situation is changing rapidly, sometimes even many times within a single day, so we are permanently adapting and finding new ways to help. We will keep you updated.

You can follow all of our movements and updates in our Instagram stories (see “Who are we” above).

Please, do not hesitate to contact us directly for any question/observation you may have.

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